To display a satellite image or map graphic file in the Position display, you currently need to manually enter "registration" data which correlates the pixels in the map image file to latitude and longitude.
Move the image file (.jpg or .tiff format) to C:\Users\jim\Documents\Uthere\Ground Control\Maps
Download and save a copy of the example registration file [download] in the same directory where you placed the image file: C:\Users\jim\Documents\Uthere\Ground Control\Maps Give the file exactly the same name as the map image file, but with suffix ".xml"
Open the image in a graphics application such as Microsoft Paint.
Obtain precise latitude / longitude coordinates of two features on the ground near opposite corners of the image. Usually, it's most convenient to use Google Earth to do this.
Use the graphics program to find the pixel coordinates of those two features.
Edit the .xml file, replacing all values (<latitude>, <longitude>, <x_pixel>, <y_pixel>, <width_pixels>, <height_pixels>).
Now, when you open / re-open the "Position" display in GC and right-click on "select map...", you should see the image filename listed in the pop-up.