
Welcome to RubyTM


How do I get started? Where's the documentation?

The documentation for installation and operation is constantly being updated and improved. It also includes content such as videos and high resolution images that can only be provided online. So, rather than ship your Ruby with printed documentation, we ask that you take your web browser to this location to get started:



You don't have to "do it yourself".

Ruby is intended for all types of users, not just technophiles and engineers. We plan to be in personal contact with you to ensure that you're flying with Ruby with a minimum of time and effort on your part, and with optimal results.

In "The Ritual", we'll review detailed data recorded by your Ruby and make sure that it's installed correctly to your particular plane and radio settings. You won't have to wade through a manual or configuration process. We'll also review data from your flights and send updated configurations or advice if anything seems less than perfect. We won't be satisfied until Ruby is flying your plane in a solid, responsive, and graceful way that gives you confidence.


Don't be shy. Don't spin your wheels.

If something's confusing or not doing what you think it should, don't spend time trying to figure it out on your own. Just send an email to support@uthere.com. Describe the problem, perhaps a closeup digital photo if you have a question about physical install, and whenever possible, attach a recorded data file.

Our support will revolve around the data files that Ruby records to the removeable SD Flash chip whenever it is turned on. These files provide an extraordinary amount of information, and we can usually identify problems with a few minutes of review.


Be careful!

Ruby can greatly reduce the chances of a flight ending badly, but bad things can still happen. Please read the attached "Warnings, Safety, and Responsibility" document carefully, always assume the worst can happen, and don't fly in an area or manner in which loss of control could mean possible harm to persons or property.


Satisfaction Guarantee

If you are not satisfied with RubyTM or any other uThere product for any reason,
you may return it within 30 days of purchase for a full refund.

Just return the complete package, including all modules, in reasonably good condition. The refund is limited to price that you paid for the product, not including return shipping or any other fees. You will not be charged any "restocking fee", but you will bear all cost and responsibility for ensuring that the product is delivered in good condition to uThere.

Contact support@uthere.com to arrange return. Please tell us candidly why you're not satisfied, and attach a copy of any relevant flight data recording file if possible.